
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Steak Tacos

My husband and I used to have these crazy taco nights, it was more like an event. Prepping dinner with some drinks and guests and then finally cooking dinner. Anyone who has had the pleasure of coming to one of our dinners knows you are in for a treat. So anyways, I haven't had tacos in a while. Tacos are a pretty clean food if you don't pile on sour cream and cheddar cheese (I was guilty of this) or use store bought taco seasoning. However, the shells are not clean so look for organic ones but read the ingredients. This is the reason I haven't had tacos in a while and I was starting to miss them. I was determined to make my own from scratch. I found a bag of masa harina and followed the directions on the bag for making tortillas.

Rolling out tortillas does take some skill though. This took me some time but they were sooooo delicious. I made my own taco seasoning (cumin, chili powder, garlic and onion powder, black and cayenne pepper, sea salt and some other top secret ingredients sorry I can't tell). I sprinkled some on my steak (today is steak I usually do chicken but I haven't had steak in a long time and I trimmed the fat off) and placed it in my slow cooker (my rice cooker that I just covered the hole on top with a piece of paper towel works great), added more seasoning and some water, then plugged it in to cook for a few hours. Since, I am using a rice  cooker instead of a slow cooker, I have to keep an eye on it and switch the setting occasionally from thigh to low or the bottom will burn.

So, there it is. Now, while I wait, I'll make the salsa and mix the masa harina. Tortilla dough needs to sit for an hour before it's rolled into balls and flattened. I am not using cheese today but if you do it's better to get a fresh cheddar cheese block not pre shredded because that has A LOT of extra nasty ingredients. I also replaced sour cream for non fat Greek yogurt. And hot sauce is always a good thing and a must! I will post pics when done if they don't go fast. lol 

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